How to Efficiently Follow Up Trade Show Leads for Maximum Impact

Trade shows – the rush, the adrenaline, the leads! Oh, how many leads, and you somehow have to follow them all up.

I’ve been there, you spend months getting ready, making sure everything is just right. You’re at the show, chatting to prospects, collecting info, exchanging business cards, handing out candy. It’s an exciting and exhausting couple of days. By the end of it you just want to crawl in bed and do nothing. But alas, life isn’t fair. You have leads to follow up and hot prospects to close.

Trade Show Season: Time to Spring Clean Your Customer Database

Ahhhhhhh, can you smell that? It’s the smell of freshly printed brochures, stale muffins and opportunity.
Oooowh can you hear that? It’s the click-clack of booths being set up, banners erected and promotional pens being splayed across tables.
This can only mean one thing: a Trade Show is looming. For some, a trade show is a field of opportunities, for others it’s a money sink, and for others it’s an unavoidable evil in an otherwise perfect universe… Anyway, I digress.

The Secret Trick Middle School Teachers Use That Can Help Businesses Sell MORE

We all know: repetition is one of the keys to success. In life and in business.
We relentlessly repeat things over and over again to our kids to help them grow. Teachers at school repeat themselves time and time again until students learn. In business we all know the value of repetition until the job is done well. And finally in life, advertisers are doing a great job of repetition. Attracting our attention to items we would otherwise never hear about or notice on the shelf.