Support the future success of your business by reaching out to your customer base with a simple yet powerful message: “We are back in business!”
Calling is becoming fashionable again and your team has to master it.
This is because having a human being on the other side of the phone is rapidly becoming a luxury, just like a posted note was one day. Offer this piece of luxury to your custmers. Learn how, when you register.
Email can deliver your message many times without getting tired or bored. Unless you are a cafe or a shop which everyone can see is opened, you need email to help you spread the word: “Yes, we are back in business”.
Challenge is – how to do it well. Register to find out how.
Don’t have a Facebook account? Don’t understand what Facebook is all about? Don’t want to learn how it works?
Great news, you don’t have to. It’s the same as electricity and TV, you don’t need to know how it works to use it. Same with Social media, make a decision to embrace it and get the right help